Saturday, September 4, 2010

An Introduction-My First Blog Post!

Everyone knows there are a lot of books out there. Hundreds. Thousands. No doubt, hundreds of thousands. Probably more than that. As writers, we'd like nothing more than to add a few if our own humble titles to the list.

Who am I kidding? We want our titles to BE the list. We want everyone to hear the stories we have to tell, and want to hear them over and over again. Lastly, we want to leave a lasting impression. Our mission (should we choose to accept it) is to affect our readers so hugely that they close the book (after reading the very last word, of course) a new person. Of course, that's much easier said than done, and it usually doesn't happen (I'm talking about the last part of that last paragraph, by the way. The second sentence obviously isn't going to happen.). Why? Because if it happened every day, it wouldn't be special. That story wouldn't stand alone.

We all want to go on this dangerous mission. Sometimes it's not fun, honestly. The journey, the quest to turn your ideas into a story and then into a polished manuscript, is hard sometimes, but it can also be a blast. Either way, with a little motivation (and a whole lot of late nights), only the true writers will get through it to the reward in the end: a reply from an editor saying she wants the book, and ultimately a shiny new book on the shelf of a bookstore.

I'm not gonna lie to you--I'm not an expert. But I am a true writer at heart, and if you are too, by all means join me on my mission.

Keep checking back, and good luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I'm happy to see another writer starting up a blog. I saw your link on the NaNoWriMo website and I hope I don't seem stalkerish, and I hope that you like comments because I certainly do :)
    I'll definitely be checking back, and ah, if you could take a look?:
